Effective resistivity of a discrete network of resistors

    Activité: Discours ou présentation Présentation orale


    Networks of resistors can be used represent the electrical properties of open-cell structures composed of interconnected conducting « bonds ». These structures are interesting, often artificial media combining lightness, permeability, and conductivity.
    Periodic networks of resistances have been studied extensively since the 1970’s. By contrast, the literature devoted to finite and not-periodic networks is more sparse, because those systems are much more complex to tackle. A numerical technique, based on the Lanczos algorithm, seems particularly well adapted to the situation. How this technique works will be described and exploited in the first part of the talk.
    In the second part of the talk, it will be explained how a discrete network of resistors can be treated as a continuous medium provided a non-local resistivity be assumed. Consequences of non-locality of Ohm’s law will be explored.
    Période13 sept. 2017
    Conservé àInstitute for Nuclear Problem, Belarus
    Niveau de reconnaissanceNational