The influence of new marketplaces What are the main economic characteristics of the new marketplaces?

  • Maxime MANIET

Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Business Engineering Professional focus in Data Science


This dissertation was written to study the development of new marketplaces in modern society. Its aim is to enable anyone new to the subject to understand what is at stake in these marketplaces and what strategies they have put in place, despite the differences in the sectors and audiences affected. In the first chapter, we will explain the new challenges facing modern marketplaces, how they work and the different players operating in them. The second chapter will be devoted to a literature review of the economic theory on the various elements of the analysis. The third chapter will be devoted to the actual analysis of the various marketplaces selected. Finally, the last two chapters will draw conclusions from our analyses, as well as from a personal project for the development of a marketplace, in order to suggest possible avenues for further development following this dissertation.
Date of Award29 Aug 2023
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorOscar Bernal Diaz (Supervisor)

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