Support of Modern Print & Printers Languages by using Filters and Backends

  • Didier Belhomme

Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Computer science


This thesis covers the field of printing in large-scale computing environments. In order to support the new printing technologies offered today, and to provide the user a reliable interface to the printing environment, new functions have to be included into the operating systems and their subsystems. The function discussed here is about the development of a generic interpreter of printer languages, in order to trace the printer activity to allow it to restart after any problem that could occur. It covers not only the print job in itself, but also all the resources that are part of the printer or that have been loaded into the printer by the print job, and selected during its progress.
Date of Award1993
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorJean RAMAEKERS (Supervisor)

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