Sonification of time-dependent data

  • Christophe Demoulin
  • Olivier Schöller

    Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Computer science


    Bonification is the process of transforming visual information into sound. This dissertation focus es more particularly on the problem of representing time-dependent data with sound. This kind of data often requires some preprocessing
    be/ore any sonification mapping can be applied. Pitch-based mapping can then be executed on the data, and possibly enhanced with additional sonification techniques, such as slope indicators and extreme values detectors. Two applications are developed in order to ease the sonification process of two-dimensional and three-dimensional data. Finally, an online questionnaire is presented for each application, by which the chosen sonification methods are evaluated
    Date of Award2001
    Original languageEnglish
    SupervisorMonique Fraiture (Supervisor)

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