SOA Method Engineering Framework for process-oriented and model-driven SOA implementation with underlying models of abstraction

  • Jan Ricken

Student thesis: Doc typesDoctor of Sciences


As situations for SOA implementation projects vary case-by-case, it is required to find a way to adapt the implementation method for SOA to organizations’ context. We take the standpoint of a process-oriented, model-driven and top-down-oriented approach using a Method Engineering Framework including also a prototype of a tooling support. Firstly, a model (here: SOA Domain Model) is required to summarize and generalize various aspects (here: SOA sub-domains) that must be covered in a model-driven and process-oriented SOA development project. The SOA Domain Model should summarize contents of available SOA Methods. This model may indeed narrow the communication gap that often exists between managers (business) and developers (IT) by providing them a common reference framework, concepts and vocabulary. This is particularly done by describing SOA Domains which include sub-domains and activities. Domains can be considered as clusters (e.g. SOA modelling) with sub-domains (e.g. SOA modelling notation). Each sub-domain includes a series of activities. Secondly, it is required to think about a possibility to get an idea what range and how deep available SOA Methods are covering SOA domains. SOA Methods are very broad and the before identified domains and related SOA sub-domains could be a way to compare in a structured way SOA Methods and identify areas of strengths and weaknesses of these available SOA Methods. Third, with the help of Method Engineering the necessary academic deepness is achieved by proposing a situational SOA Method. Other than the SOA Methods, the situational SOA Method is able to adapt to particular situation. A Configuration Process for SOA Situational Method should in general be able to describe the process of creating fragments and applying them in a specific situation. The problem of non-fitting SOA Methods to a specific situation can be avoided. To achieve this, SOA method fragments should be created and formalized from available SOA Methods. With these SOA Method Fragments, a perfectly fitting SOA Method could be configured as only the relevant fragments are chosen that cope with situation for concrete SOA definition project. Field trials should demonstrate applicability of the assembled generic method and show in detail the design rationales or decisions that have been taken for the specific implementation examples.
Date of Award21 May 2013
Original languageFrench
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorMichael Petit (Supervisor), Naji Habra (President), Vincent Englebert (Jury), Philippe Thiran (Jury), Erik Proper (Jury) & Éric Dubois (Co-Supervisor)

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