Seasonal Variation in Energy Intake and Expenditure, and Nutritional Status
: underlying mechanisms

  • Kolade Adeguelou

Student thesis: Master typesAdvanced Master in International and Development Economics


Rural developing countries are among those most vulnerable to seasonal stress and undernutrition. This study reviews the underlying mechanisms of the seasonal variations in energy intake and expenditure, and nutritional status. A thematic content analysis has been primarily used for this assessment. Findings suggests a countercyclical relation of total energy expenditure, physical activity level and basal metabolic rate with nutritional status; a procyclical relation between energy balance and nutritional. Regardless of individuals the determinants of seasonal variations in nutritional status include the seasonal infectious diseases, unhealthy living environment and services, seasonal household food insecurity, seasonal poor quality of caring and feeding practices, seasonal inadequate dietary intake, and seasonal food energy intake. In addition seasonal activity energy expenditure, seasonal variability in basal metabolic rate, seasonal change in total energy expenditure, seasonal energy stress are specific for adults; and mother’s nutritional status, seasonal intrahousehold allocation of food/nutrient, seasonal mother’s activity energy expenditure, for children.
Date of Award31 Oct 2019
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorCatherine Guirkinger (Supervisor) & JEREMIE GROSS (Co-Supervisor)


  • seasonality
  • food energy intake
  • energy expenditure
  • nutritional status

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