Paving The Way Towards Full ETL Automation: A Systematic Literature Review of ETL Services

  • Jordan ABRAS

Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Business Engineering Professional focus in Data Science


Nowadays, decision-making is increasingly relying on Business Intelligence (BI) systems. These systems however may be perceived risky due to the effort and investment needed to set them up. One way to reduce the perceived risk of deploying such systems is to automate their most effort-demanding and costly component: the extract-transform-load (ETL) process, responsible for data integration. To effectively automate this process, it will be necessary to define standardization protocols for each of its service, therefore leading to the need for a comprehensive list of all ETL services. To build up this exhaustive list, we performed a systematic literature review to retrieve each ETL service that is discussed in the ETL literature on BI systems. Using this methodology, we derived an extended taxonomy of ETL services that will guide us in the further researches on automating the ETL process.
Date of Award19 Jun 2023
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorCorentin Burnay (Supervisor)

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