MPTCP On Rails

  • Laurent Miny

Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Computer science


The goal of this master thesis is to measure the impact of Multipath
TCP (MPTCP) during audio streaming on rails (trains, trams
and metros). To do that, we put in place an experimental set-up with
two interfaces. The first one is linked on the cellular network and the
second one is connected to public Wi-Fi hotspots available during
the trips. These tests helped to discover some problems linked to the
network manager of Debian that has not be designed for mobility
purposes. It hardly detects the switch of access point. This problem
is due to an insufficient network scan periodicity. The authentication
page of portals was also laborious. One solution is to specify
the IP source to be able to get the authentication page of the portal.
This trick forces the packet not going to the cellular interface already
connected to the Internet. Finally, the use of tethering with a smartphone
mask the Wi-Fi handover from the experimental device point
of view. It is, for example, useful to check if the NAT table has been
correctly flushed when switching the networks.
Date of Award7 Sept 2017
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorPierre Yves Schobbens (President) & Laurent Schumacher (Supervisor)


  • Multipath TCP
  • streaming
  • transports sur voie ferrée

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