Is atropine an effective way to prevent myopia progression in children ?

  • Laurie Le Goupil

    Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professionnal focus


    Over the last two decades, the number of cases of myopia has risen sharply throughout the world, particularly in Asia. However, simple myopia can turn into high myopia responsible for more serious eye problems such as glaucoma, retinal detachment and ultimately blindness. Various studies have been carried out in recent years to determine whether atropine could slow the progression of myopia in children and thus reduce the number of cases of high myopia. This thesis first discusses myopia, then atropine, and finally various clinical studies are presented and criticized to determine if atropine is efficient in the prevention of myopia prevention in children.
    Date of Award2022
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • University of Namur
    • Université Catholique de Louvain
    SupervisorRobert W. A. M. Kuijpers (Supervisor)

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