Inequality and corruption: A empirical investigation on a panel of countries over the last decade


Student thesis: Master typesSpecialised Master in International and Development Economics


The relationship between corruption and income inequality differs according to the indicators used, the income class or the region of the countries considered. This paper lists the main mechanisms by which corruption and income inequality reinforce each other and presents a diagnosis of the relationships between these two phenomena. I use the first differences method on a panel of data from about fifty countries including all income classes according to the World Bank income classification in 2019. Results suggest that an increase in income inequalities induces a greater acceptance of corruption as a 1 unit deterioration in income inequality (increasing differences in Gini) leads to 0.37 unit decrease in the perceived corruption (increasing differences in CPI)
Date of Award15 Sept 2022
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorFrancois LIBOIS (Supervisor)


  • Corruption
  • Income inequality

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