A Software Methodology applying Privacy by Design Principles for Mobile Hybrid Development

  • J Barette

Student thesis: Master typesMaster in Computer science


The world of technology has evolved in recent years giving way to smaller devices. Current, mobile phone are many on the market allowing the user to connect anywhere on the Internet. The consumer can take advantage of many services offered for fun or work. To satisfy this need, many companies develop their own applications and offer a more attractive access to information. But the competition is ubiquitous, the appearance often determines whether the user loves or not the mobile application. These custom applications often use personal data to provide customized functionalities. To the detriment of the user who has no idea that his information can be used without his prior consent. This manipulation may therefore have an impact on privacy. Existing since several years, this phenomenon is not close to stop. To avoid this, competent authorities try to include the right to data protection into development processes by providing appropriate solutions. Concepts such as Privacy By Design, PIA, PET,... are only part. Even associations that wish to improve the mobile eco-system propose privacy guidelines to encourage developers to take into account the data protection in their application. This scientific work aims to allow companies to integrate these principles into their existing mobile development methods without having a significant negative impact on productivity. However, we limited to provide a solution for certain types of applications.
Date of Award11 Sept 2012
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Namur
SupervisorMichael Petit (Supervisor)


  • privacy by design
  • data protection
  • mobile application
  • software development
  • Agile
  • proactive approach

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