Contact for an electrical connector protected by a polymer film and its production process

Jacques Boissel (Inventor), Joseph Delhalle (Inventor), Gerard Lecayon (Inventor), Pascal Viel (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    The invention relates to a contact for an electrical contactor protected by a polymer film and to its production process. This contact (3 or 7) has a contact resistance of at the most 10 ohms and incorporates a base metal coated by a 5 to 500 nm, homogeneous, adhesive organic polymer film. The polymer film can be deposited by the electropolymerization of a monomer such as acrylonitrile, followed by a heat treatment or irradiation to improve its electrical conductivity, so that a contact resistance not exceeding 10 ohms is obtained.

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberUS5350323
    IPCH05K 3/ 24 A N
    Priority date3/06/93
    Publication statusPublished - 27 Sept 1994


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