title = "Caract{\'e}risation des syst{\`e}mes de production caprine semi-extensifs en Andalousie et au Nord du Maroc: analyse comparative 6th Internat. Seminar FAO-CIHEAM Network on Sheep and Goats, Nov.2007 Portugal",
author = "Mou{\^a}d Chentouf and {Arebolla Molina}, F. and Bouchaib Boulanouar and H. Mesbahi and A. Terradillos and F. Caravacca and C. Casas and Jean-Loup Bister",
year = "2007",
language = "Fran{\c c}ais",
volume = "91",
series = "Options M{\'e}diterran{\'e}ennes",
type = "Other",