What are the main steps needed to build and create a mobile application using deep learning with the network stored directly on the device?

  • Dimitri Vagenende

Student thesis: Master typesMaster en ingénieur de gestion à finalité spécialisée en data science


The world is experiencing the emergence of the use of new technologies. This one is strongly supported by the massive diffusion of cell phones, the constant increase of available data and by numerous advances in the field of artificial intelligence. This technological breakthrough has opened up numerous possibilities in the decision-making process. Indeed, this can more easily rely on technology. This thesis focuses on the construction of guidelines for the creation of a mobile application using deep learning with the model stored within the mobile. After theoretical points about machine learning and deep learning, this thesis discusses the steps to create the convolutional neural network model and those needed to create the application. In order to help people, specialists or not, to create their own mobile application and to visualize it further, a finished application ready to be deployed will be proposed throughout this thesis
la date de réponse17 juin 2021
langue originaleAnglais
L'institution diplômante
  • Universite de Namur
SuperviseurBenoît Frénay (Promoteur) & Jerome Fink (Copromoteur)

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