Typology of Information Systems in big companies

  • Florian Biernaux

Student thesis: Master typesMaster en ingénieur de gestion à finalité spécialisée en Analytics & Digital Business


Based on the literature and Information Systems providers, the aim of this work is to build a cartography of existing Information Systems. To do so, this work starts with a historical introduction to understand the trend around these systems and technological evollutions. Then, theoretical aspects are mentionned: Information, System and finally Information Systems. Afterwards, some elements are discussed to understand how it works to design such a system and to analyse it with the parts "Audit of Information System" and "System Development Lifecycle". Then, the different types of Information Systems are adressed, and a cartography is done thanks to Gartner's magic quadrants about several Information Systems. Last, some links are made between these systems in order to understand how it works inside a company, what can be the relations between these systems and their hierarchy.
la date de réponse18 juin 2021
langue originaleAnglais
L'institution diplômante
  • Universite de Namur
SuperviseurStephane Faulkner (Promoteur)

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