Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) are now present everywhere and have become a tool that humans can hardly do without. Their introduction has impacted all sectors of activity, from the hotel and catering industry with delivery services, to the transport sector with the presence of companies such as Uber or the financial sector where the management of a bank account can be done on a smartphone. The government sector is no exception and is increasingly using ICT to offer standard services through ICT \cite{1}. This is called e-government. Many cities and municipalities are riding the wave of the smart city concept and are striving to present useful solutions to citizens through the use of ICT. The simplest example is the appearance of connected parking which returns the number and location of available parking spaces in cities on time. With e-government, the concept of e-participation was introduced and is defined as "the use of ICTs to enable and improved the effectiveness of citizen involvement in deliberation and decision-making processes" \cite{34}. To enhance democracy, government organisations are introducing e-participation activities and conduct them through ICT and more specifically, e-participation platforms. This master thesis aims at providing a citizen-centred design framework for e-participation platforms to ease the introduction of them by satisfying citizen preferences and avoiding generic issues that they may encounter. This framework is the combination of theoretical heuristics emerged from a literature review concerning the evaluation standards of digital platforms and the evaluation of user participation in the IT domain confronted to two empirical studies. Those two studies aim at identifying the citizen preferences concerning the use of e-participation platform through a survey and identifying the generic issues encountered in the use of e-participation platform through think-aloud evaluations. The survey results in 137 sets of preferences and the think-aloud evaluations were conducted on two existing Belgian participation platform with 6 participants divided into 3 age distributions (minus than 25 years old, between 25 and 50 years old, over 50 years old) for each platform evaluated. The results of these studies were gathered into two sets of guidelines that are crossed and refined with the heuristics list previously cited to create the final framework. This framework is composed of guidelines concerning citizen participation, quality, human-computer interaction, accessibility and web 2.0 domains.
Towards a framework to provide citizen-centred guidelines in the design of e-participation platforms
Vintevogel, D. (Auteur). 2020
Student thesis: Master types › Master en sciences informatiques à finalité spécialisée en Software engineering