Today, everybody do has access to information. Public ones (train and bus schedules,University courses schedules, Open Data, ...) and private ones (e-mail, personal
calendar, ...). The smart-cities are growing more and more and use some displays with public information like advertising, city maps, metro maps, ... This document proposes an analysis to classify available ambient displays and identies characteristics and guidelines to develop a new implementation. When it comes to interaction with public data some design principles need to be followed. Going further the displays can oer interaction with private data. This is why the user's authentication is important. The user wants to be sure that his current session is secure and that the privacy of his data is respected. The use case proposes an implementation of an electronic information board following the UX methodology and taking care of the recommendations from the
courses received during the Master in Computer Sciences. As all analyzed system doesn't oer all properties in terms of security, privacy, attractiveness, usability and public access, a study was done to propose a solution to display private data on a public display, while safeguarding securely user privacy.
la date de réponse | 24 août 2018 |
langue originale | Anglais |
L'institution diplômante |
Superviseur | Bruno Dumas (Promoteur) & Antoine Clarinval (Copromoteur) |