The subject of this dissertation is the physical support of an Entity-Relationship model layer. I have developed a "network" Kernel Data Base Management System (DBMS), the data model of which is based on a subset of the entity-relationship model. This DBMS has been designed while keeping in mind the specific needs of the upper layer's model to be supported, thus allowing further extensions. Another dissertation is aimed at realising a true Entity-Relationship layer on top of the 'PYRAMIDE' (PhYsical engine foR the mAnageMent of entIty-relationship DatabasEs). Besides, I have also developed a build-in Data Dictionary (DD) facility. This DD could be used as a basis to offer high-level user facilities for dynamic schema generation, which is not often possible in existing database systems.
la date de réponse | 1989 |
langue originale | Anglais |
L'institution diplômante | |
Superviseur | Jean-Luc Hainaut (Promoteur) |
Pyramide. A physical engine for the management of entity-relationship databases
Rossi, D. (Auteur). 1989
Student thesis: Master types › Master en sciences informatiques