Network convergence for the provision of in services in the Internet

  • Stephane Nicoll

    Student thesis: Master typesMaster en sciences informatiques


    Networks convergence is now a very discussed subject. The interaction between the Internet and traditional networks announces the emergence of a set of seroices which are to be very attractive for the end-user. Mechanisms offtring advanced telepho11_Y systems on the Internet are ana/ysed in this dissertation suggesting different solutions to be applied nowadqys: on the one . hand those involving the use of both networks - main/y the approaches scrutinised by the IETF - and on the other hand the implementation of higher-level systems resulting from an independent consortium and allowing the abstraction of the under/ying network. . Those different approaches are illustrated by a kry-example in which the reader is offtred the possibiliry of comparing the strong and weak points of each approach in an efficient wqy.
    la date de réponse2001
    langue originaleAnglais
    SuperviseurOlivier Bonaventure (Promoteur)

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