Motivation and global design of a plug-in framework architecture for a medium-large software package

  • M Janmart

Student thesis: Master typesMaster en sciences informatiques


This paper gives a synthesis over the interests of plug-in implementation and the security issues related to such programming. we first select three plug-in frameworks and make a description of them. Then based on what we know, we select the one that interests us the most. Then we present a reference application for this thesis on which we study the possibility of a plug-in conversion. We then describe several ways of implementing this plug-in conversion with the selected plug-in framework. Finally, we describe some security issues and give three high level solutions for these issues.
la date de réponse12 sept. 2012
langue originaleAnglais
L'institution diplômante
  • Universite de Namur
SuperviseurJean-Noel Colin (Promoteur)

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