How can local e-marketplaces can help small retail businesses ?

  • Joachim Daisomont

Student thesis: Master typesMaster en ingénieur de gestion à finalité spécialisée en Analytics & Digital Business


This thesis seeks to understand the recent phenomenon of local e-marketplaces. Through case studies, this paper will analyse the advantages offered by these platforms and how they can be used by small retailers. The case studies were conducted among the creators of these e-marketplaces. For this thesis, three platforms were examined: Letzshop which is a public initiative of the Luxembourg governement. The other two are private initiatives, one is Belgian and is called "Nearshop" and the last one is French and is called "Mon petit ecommerce".
la date de réponsejanv. 2021
langue originaleAnglais
L'institution diplômante
  • Universite de Namur
SuperviseurAadhaar Chaturvedi (Promoteur)

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