Gender Roles, Time Constraints and Women's Labour Market Outcomes
: Review of Evidences from Sub-Saharan Africa

  • Tilahun Zewdie

Student thesis: Master typesMaster de spécialisation en économie internationale et du développement


The main objective of this study has been to present a more comprehensive review of the existing gender roles, time constraints and their implication for women’s labour market outcomes in Sub Saharan Africa. This involved collecting and organizing findings from different published and unpublished studies and reports from international organizations that are directly or indirectly related to the underlying objective of the study. Additionally, data from World Bank’s development indicator database and ILO are used to support results compiled from literature reviews. As learned from the different studies considered, gender roles in SSA are mostly shaped by societal norms, attitudes, history and related societal factors. The region experiences one of the highest participation of women in the labour market, with huge geographical heterogeneities whereby countries like Sudan and Somalia experienced one of the lowest participation of women in the world. Inequality between men and women in the labour market is more persistent than the global average. Women are found to be extremely time poor compared to men in the region resulted from their high engagement both in paid and unpaid domestic activities unlike their men counter parts. Some studies showed that investments in household technologies like accessible water and electrification improves women work load and their participation in the labour market
la date de réponse31 mai 2019
langue originaleAnglais
L'institution diplômante
  • Universite de Namur
SuperviseurCatherine Guirkinger (Promoteur) & Marie Seleck (Copromoteur)

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