Violation of Hund's rule in molecules: Predicting the excited-state energy inversion by TD-DFT with double-hybrid methods

J. C. Sancho-García, E. Brémond, G. Ricci, A. J. Pérez-Jiménez, Y. Olivier, C. Adamo

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


The energy difference (ΔEST) between the lowest singlet (S1) state and the triplet (T1) excited state of a set of azaphenalene compounds, which is theoretically and experimentally known to violate Hund's rule, giving rise to the inversion of the order of those states, is calculated here with a family of double-hybrid density functionals. That excited-state inversion is known to be very challenging to reproduce for time-dependent density functional theory employing common functionals, e.g., hybrid or range-separated expressions, but not for wavefunction methods due to the inclusion of higher-than-single excitations. Therefore, we explore here if the last developed family of density functional expressions (i.e., double-hybrid models) is able to provide not only the right excited-state energy order but also accurate ΔEST values, thanks to the approximate inclusion of double excitations within these models. We herein employ standard double-hybrid (B2-PLYP, PBE-QIDH, and PBE0-2), range-separated (ωB2-PLYP and RSX-QIDH), spin-scaled (SCS/SOS-B2PLYP21, SCS-PBE-QIDH, and SOS-PBE-QIDH), and range-separated spin-scaled (SCS/SOS-ωB2-PLYP, SCS-RSX-QIDH, and SOS-RSX-QIDH) expressions to systematically assess the influence of the ingredients entering into the formulation while concomitantly providing insights for their accuracy.

langue originaleAnglais
Numéro d'article034105
journalThe Journal of chemical physics
Numéro de publication3
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 21 janv. 2022

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