Urban skylines from Schelling model

Résultats de recherche: Livre/Rapport/RevueAutre rapport

241 Téléchargements (Pure)


We propose a metapopulation version of the Schelling model where two kinds of agents relocate themselves, with unconstrained destination, if their local fitness is lower than a tolerance threshold. We show that, for small values of the latter, the population redistributes highly heterogeneously among the available places. The system thus stabilizes on these heterogeneous skylines after a long quasi-stationary transient period, during which the population remains in a well mixed phase.
Varying the tolerance passing from large to small values, we identify three possible global regimes: microscopic clusters with local coexistence of both kinds of agents, macroscopic clusters with local coexistence (soft segregation), macroscopic clusters with local segregation but homogeneous densities (hard segregation). The model is studied numerically and complemented with an analytical study in the limit of extremely large node capacity.
langue originaleAnglais
EditeurNamur center for complex systems
Nombre de pages17
Etat de la publicationPublié - 1 mai 2015

Série de publications

NomnaXys Technical Report Series
EditeurUniversity of Namur

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    Timoteo Carletti (Conférencier)

    19 sept. 2016

    Activité: Participation ou organisation d'un événementParticipation à une conférence, un congrès

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