Three Months of Strength Training Changes the Gene Expression of Inflammation-Related Genes in PBMC of Older Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Keliane Liberman, Rose Njemini, Louis Nuvagah Forti, Wilfried Cools, Florence Debacq-Chainiaux, Ron Kooijman, Ingo Beyer, Ivan Bautmans

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


Here, we investigate changes in inflammation-related gene-expression in peripheral mon-onuclear blood cells (PBMC) by strength training. A total of 14 women aged ≥65 years were randomized into 3 months of either 3×/week intensive strength training (IST: 3×10rep at 80% 1RM), strength endurance training (SET: 2×30reps at 40% 1RM) or control (CON: 3×30sec stretching). Dif-ferentially expressed genes (fold change ≤0.67 or ≥1.5) were identified by targeted RNA-sequencing of 407 inflammation-related genes. A total of 98 genes (n = 61 pro-inflammatory) were significantly affected. IST and SET altered 14 genes in a similar direction and 19 genes in the opposite direction. Compared to CON, IST changed the expression of 6 genes in the same direction, and 17 genes in the SET. Likewise, 18 and 13 genes were oppositely expressed for, respectively, IST and SET compared to CON. Changes in gene expression affected 33 canonical pathways related to chronic in-flammation. None of the altered pathways overlapped between IST and SET. Liver X Receptor/Ret-inoid X Receptor Activation (LXR/RXR) and Triggering Receptor Expressed On Myeloid Cells 1 (TREM1) pathways were enriched oppositely in both training groups. We conclude that three months IST and SET can induce changes in CLIP-related gene expression in PBMC, but by affecting different genes and related pathways.

langue originaleAnglais
Numéro d'article531
Numéro de publication3
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 1 févr. 2022
Modification externeOui

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