The osmotic demyelination syndrome: the resilience of thalamic neurons is verified with transmission electron microscopy

Jacques Gilloteaux, Joanna Bouchat, Jean Pierre Brion, Charles Nicaise

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs

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The development of a murine model of osmotic demyelinating syndrome (ODS) allowed to study changes incurred in extrapontine zones of the CNS and featured neuron and glial cell changes in the relay thalamic ventral posterolateral (VPL) and ventral posteromedial (VPM) nuclei before, during and after ODS induction, and characterized without immune response. There, the neuron Wallerian-type deteriorations were verified with fine structure modifications of the neuron cell body, including some nucleus topology and its nucleolus changes. Morphologic analyses showed a transient stoppage of transcriptional activities while myelinated axons in the surrounding neuropil incurred diverse damages, previously reported. Even though the regional thalamus myelin deterioration was clearly recognized with light microscopy 248 h after osmotic recovery of ODS, ultrastructure analyses demonstrated that, at that time, the same damaged parenchyma regions contained nerve cell bodies that have already reactivated nucleus transcriptions and neuroplasm translations because peculiar accumulations of fibro-granular materials, similar to those detected in restored ODS astrocytes, were revealed in these restructuring nerve cell bodies. Their aspects suggested to be accumulations of ribonucleoproteins. The findings suggested that progressive neural function’s recovery in the murine model could imitate some aspects of human ODS recovery cases.

langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)450-480
Nombre de pages31
journalUltrastructural Pathology
Numéro de publication4-6
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 2020

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