L'open panenthéisme émergentiste de Philip Clayton

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The open emergent panentheism is Philip Clayton's cosmotheological model resulting from his dialogical approach of science, philosophy, and religious pluralism. The inclusion of the theory of radical emergence at the heart of his panentheism inspired from German idealism, process philosophy and open theism, allows him to think about God's relationship with the world. Divine action requires human freedom which is apprehended as an emergence or a transcending of oneself in a movement towards God. The conditions of the possibility of God's action in the world thus assume the integration of the human person and divine action or the openness of the person to divine action. Human freedom is an expression of the imago Dei which finds its full expression in the realm of participation, when the result of the action is at once fully human and fully divine. Christ is the very image of the harmonious/kenotic relationship with God.

Titre traduit de la contributionThe open emergentist pantheism of Philip Clayton
langue originaleFrançais
Pages (de - à)589-612
Nombre de pages24
journalRevue théologique de Louvain
Numéro de publication4
Etat de la publicationPublié - 2015

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