The onto-agathological fold of metaphysics: Aristotle, Plato and Heidegger

Titre traduit de la contribution: Le pli onto-théologique de la métaphysique : Platon, Aristote, Heidegger

    Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


    The goal of this paper is twofold. One, it aims at identifying in Heidegger a determination of the history of metaphysics parallel to the famous
    onto-theological one, and which I will label onto-agathological. Based upon a
    text from the course of 1935 on the “Einführung in die Metaphysik,” I argue
    that for Heidegger the history of metaphysics is not only the Aristotelian onto-
    theology, but is also characterized by the Platonic pre-eminence of the good over
    being (Republic 509c). In short, it is an onto-agathological history. Two, and as a
    consequence of the former point, I will flesh out the hypothesis of another his-
    tory of metaphysics, of which I emphasize the strong phenomenological content
    in opposition to the Neo-Kantianism of Windelband and Rickert.
    Titre traduit de la contributionLe pli onto-théologique de la métaphysique : Platon, Aristote, Heidegger
    langue originaleAnglais
    Pages (de - à)281-305
    Nombre de pages25
    journalStudia Phaenomenologica
    Etat de la publicationPublié - 2020


    • metaphysics
    • Phenomenology
    • Platonism
    • kantianism

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