The contribution of intra- and interspecific tolerance variability to biodiversity changes along toxicity gradients

Frederik De Laender, Carlos J. Melian, Richard Bindler, Paul J. Van den Brink, Michiel Daam, Helene Roussel, Jonas Juselius, Dirk Verschuren, Colin R. Janssen

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


The worldwide distribution of toxicants is an important yet understudied driver of biodiversity, and the mechanisms relating toxicity to diversity have not been adequately explored. Here, we present a community model integrating demography, dispersal and toxicant-induced effects on reproduction driven by intraspecific and interspecific variability in toxicity tolerance. We compare model predictions to 458 species abundance distributions (SADs) observed along concentration gradients of toxicants to show that the best predictions occur when intraspecific variability is five and ten times higher than interspecific variability. At high concentrations, lower settings of intraspecific variability resulted in predictions of community extinction that were not supported by the observed SADs. Subtle but significant species losses at low concentrations were predicted only when intraspecific variability dominated over interspecific variability. Our results propose intraspecific variability as a key driver for biodiversity sustenance in ecosystems challenged by environmental change.

langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)72-81
Nombre de pages10
journalEcology Letters
Numéro de publication1
Date de mise en ligne précoce4 nov. 2013
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 1 janv. 2014

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