Synthesis and viscoelastic properties of Ni carboxylato-telechelic polyoxirane

Ph Degee, Robert Jérôme, R. Borggreve, M. Bulters

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


Viscoelastic properties of Ni carboxylato-telechelic polyoxirane have been reported to depend on both the polarity of the polymer matrix and the neutralization pathway, i.e., the use of an excess of NiAc2 according to a one-step neutralization or a two-step process consisting of the stoichiometric end-neutralization of the acid end-groups followed by the addition of the salt excess. It has been found that the association of Ni carboxylate ion-pairs prevails over potential coordinative interactions of Ni with carboxylate and ether ligands. An excess of NiAc2 is favorable to the end-group aggregation and increases the efficiency of the crosslinking effect.

langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)79-85
Nombre de pages7
journalPolymer networks & blends
Numéro de publication2
Etat de la publicationPublié - 1 janv. 1994
Modification externeOui

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