Suitability of analytical methods to measure solubility for the purpose of nanoregulation

Ratna Tantra, Hans Bouwmeester, Eduardo Bolea, Carlos Rey-Castro, Calin A. David, Jean Michel Dogné, John Jarman, Francisco Laborda, Julie Laloy, Kenneth N. Robinson, Anna K. Undas, Meike Van Der Zande

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


Solubility is an important physicochemical parameter in nanoregulation. If nanomaterial is completely soluble, then from a risk assessment point of view, its disposal can be treated much in the same way as "ordinary" chemicals, which will simplify testing and characterisation regimes. This review assesses potential techniques for the measurement of nanomaterial solubility and evaluates the performance against a set of analytical criteria (based on satisfying the requirements as governed by the cosmetic regulation as well as the need to quantify the concentration of free (hydrated) ions). Our findings show that no universal method exists. A complementary approach is thus recommended, to comprise an atomic spectrometry-based method in conjunction with an electrochemical (or colorimetric) method. This article shows that although some techniques are more commonly used than others, a huge research gap remains, related with the need to ensure data reliability.

langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)173-184
Nombre de pages12
Numéro de publication2
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 7 févr. 2016

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