Spectroscopic and second-order nonlinear optical properties of Ruthenium(ii) complexes: a DFT/MRCI and ADC(2) study

Daniel Escudero, Walter Thiel, Benoît Champagne

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


In this communication we use the density functional theory-based multi-reference configuration interaction (DFT/MRCI) and the second-order algebraic diagrammatic construction (ADC(2)) methods to compute the spectroscopic and second-order nonlinear optical (NLO) properties of Ru(ii)-based NLO-phores. For some of the complexes, an appropriate treatment of doubly excited states is essential to correctly describe their spectroscopic and photochemical properties. Geometrical and solvent relaxation effects are also assessed. An adequate treatment of solvent effects seems critical for an accurate description of the NLO properties of these complexes.

langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)18908-18912
Nombre de pages5
journalPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Numéro de publication29
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 7 août 2015

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