Spectral factorization and LQ-optimal regulation for multivariable distributed systems

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A necessary and sufficient condition is proved for the existence of a bistable spectral factor (with entries in the distributed proper-stable transfer function algebra A in the context of distributed multi variable convolution systems with no delays; a by-product is the existence of a normalized coprime fraction of the transfer function of such a possibly unstable system (with entries in the algebra of fractions over A We next study semigroup state-space systems SGB with bounded sensing and control (having a transfer function with entries in £V) and consider its standard LQ-optimal regulation problem having an optimal state feedback operator K0. For a system SGB, a formula is given relating any spectral factor of a (transfer function) coprime fraction power spectral density to K0; a by-product is the description of any normalized coprime fraction of the transfer function in terms of K0. Finally, we describe an alternative way of finding the solution operator K0 of the LQ-problem using spectral factorization and a diophantine equation: this is similar to Theorem 2 of Kucera (1981) for lumped systems.

langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)55-75
Nombre de pages21
journalInternational Journal of Control
Numéro de publication1
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 1 janv. 1990

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