Secondary nucleation study of sucrose crystallization: Experiments and modelling

S. Ouiazzane, B. Messnaoui, J. Wouters, T. Bounahmidi

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un événement scientifique (non publié)PapierRevue par des pairs


This work is devoted to study the effect of impurity on the the quality of sucrose crystallization in bach crystallizer. The liquid phase concentration in crystallizer and a supersaturation profiles was measured by using a refractometer. The logiciel LUCIA "Laboratory Universal Computer Analysis Image" was used to determine the Crystal Size Distribution (CSD) by analysing the obtained image by optical microscope and Scanning Electron Microsopic (SEM). A non-linear optimization method is applied to estimate the growth and nucleation rate parameters from batch cooling crystallization experiments. The calculated results are in agreement with those observed and determined by LUCIA. The effect of the impurties on the mean particle size of the final product is discussed.

langue originaleAnglais
Nombre de pages7
Etat de la publicationPublié - 1 janv. 2007
Evénement2007 5th International Industrial Simulation Conference, ISC 2007 - Delft, Pays-Bas
Durée: 11 juin 200713 juin 2007

Une conférence

Une conférence2007 5th International Industrial Simulation Conference, ISC 2007
La villeDelft

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