Revealing wear mechanisms of coated shafts in low-speed journal bearings immersed in liquid Lead-Bismuth Eutectic (LBE)

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This study investigates wear mechanisms of coated shafts in journal bearings within liquid lead-bismuth eutectic. Shafts were coated with TiAlN, a-C:H, multi-layer TiAlN with sputtered carbon, and chrome plating. Bearings made from sintered iron with carbon inclusions (DEVA 120 and DEVA 121) were tested in LBE at 200 °C and 50 rpm using a dedicated test rig. The a-C:H coatings failed due to tribofilm wear with DEVA 120, while TiAlN coatings failed from fatigue wear with DEVA 120 but succeeded with DEVA 121. Chrome-plated shafts experienced abrasive and adhesive wear with DEVA 121 but survived DEVA 120 due to transfer layer formation. The study highlights the need to understand wear mechanisms and material compatibility to develop durable coatings for harsh environments.
langue originaleAnglais
journalTribology International
Numéro de publication110264
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 18 sept. 2024

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