Recommendation for an update of the current (2001) regulatory requirements for registration of drugs to be used in the treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal woman and in men

Jean-Yves Reginster, Eric C. Abadie, Pierre Dominique Delmas, [No Value] Rizzoli, [No Value] Dere, [No Value] van der Auwera, [No Value] Avouac, [No Value] Brandi, [No Value] Daifotis, [No Value] Diez-Perez, [No Value] Calvo, [No Value] Johnell, [No Value] Kaufman, [No Value] Laslop, [No Value] Lekkerkerker, [No Value] Mitlak, [No Value] Nilsson, [No Value] Orloff, [No Value] Smillie, Andrew Taylor[No Value] Tsouderos, [No Value] Ethgen, Bruno Flamion

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Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science