Quality control data of physiological and immunological biomarkers measured in serum and plasma

Eugène Jansen, Piet Beekhof, Johannes Cremers, Birgit Weinberger, Simone Fiegl, Olivier Toussaint, Jürgen Bernhard, Efstathios Gonos, Miriam Capri, Claudio Franceschi, Ewa Sikora, María Moreno-Villanueva, Nicolle Breusing, Tilman Grune, Alexander Bürkle, Martijn E T Dollé

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs

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In two work packages of the MARK-AGE project, 37 immunological and physiological biomarkers were measured in 3637 serum, plasma or blood samples in five batches during a period of 4 years.The quality of the serum and plasma samples was very good as judged by the low number of biomarker measurements (only 0.2%) that were rejected because of a high hemolysis, icteria or lipemia of the samples.Using quality control samples, day-to-day and batch variations were determined. The mean inter-assay variation of the five batches were all below 8%, with an average inter-assay coefficient of variation of all biomarkers of 4.0%. Also the precision of the measurements was very good, because all measurements were between 90% and 115% of the defined target values.A possible mix-up of samples was determined by comparison of the extreme testosterone levels of men and women. It was concluded that 3% of the sample identification could be mixed-up.Considering the complex procedure from collection to analysis, including preparation, handling, shipment and storage, of the samples in the MARK-AGE project, both the quality of the samples and the quality of the measurements are very good.

langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)54-59
Nombre de pages6
journalMechanisms of Ageing and Development
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 30 janv. 2015

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