Public consultation and participation in Belgium: directly engaging citizens beyond the ballot box?

Jan Van Damme, Vincent Jacquet, Nathalie Schiffino, Min Reuchamps

Résultats de recherche: Contribution dans un livre/un catalogue/un rapport/dans les actes d'une conférenceChapitre (revu par des pairs)Revue par des pairs

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In this chapter we look into the growth of diverse types of public inquiries and public consultation arrangements in policy-making. These arrangements bring to the table individual members of the public who otherwise have no direct policy – advisory – role, given the predominance of neo-corporatist style advisory bodies in Belgium (Van Damme and Brans, 2013). In some of these new public consultation and participation forms, citizens are not at the end of the delivery process, but are actively engaged in framing policy problems, and selecting and evaluating policy solutions. The chapter explains what public consultation is, its links with policymaking and the political regimes. The chapter also provides a Framework for analysis. It is applied to the diverse experiences of participatory democracy in Belgium.
langue originaleAnglais
titrePolicy analysis in Belgium
rédacteurs en chefDavid Aubin, Marleen Brans
Lieu de publicationBristol
EditeurPolicy Press
Nombre de pages20
ISBN (Electronique)9781447317265
ISBN (imprimé)978-1-4473-1725-8
Etat de la publicationPublié - 15 mars 2017
Modification externeOui

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