On the speed-dependent hard collision lineshape models: application to C2H2 perturbed by Xe

B. Lance, G. Blanquet, J. Walrand, J.-P. Bouanich

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


Three infrared absorption lines of the v band of CH diluted by Xe at pressures ranging from 40 to 300 mbar have been recorded at high resolution near 750 cm, using a tunable diode-laser spectrometer. Their lineshapes have been first analyzed by means of models using either the Dicke narrowing effect or the absorber speed-dependent collisional broadening and shifting. None of these models have given satisfactory results over the full pressure range of the perturber. It is shown that a correct treatment must include both line narrowing effects. We have investigated two possibilities of doing so: a convolution between two profiles corresponding to each effect and a noncorrelated and speed-dependent Rautian profile that we have developed here. The latter lineshape model appears to be the most appropriate.
langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)262-271
Nombre de pages10
journalJournal of molecular spectroscopy
Numéro de publication2
Etat de la publicationPublié - 1 oct. 1997

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