Non-clinical assessment of lubrication and free radical scavenging of an innovative non-animal carboxymethyl chitosan biomaterial for viscosupplementation: An in-vitro and ex-vivo study

Jean-Michel Vandeweerd, Bernardo Innocenti, Guillem Rocasalbas, Sandrine Emilia Gautier, Pierre Douette, Laurence Hermitte, Fanny Hontoir, Mickael Chausson

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


Lubrication and free radical scavenging are key features of biomaterials used for viscosupplementation (VS) of joints affected by osteoarthritis (OA). The objective of this study was to describe the non-clinical performance characterization of KiOmedine® CM-Chitosan, a non-animal carboxymethyl chitosan, in order to assess its intended action in VS and to compare it to existing viscosupplements based on crosslinked hyaluronan (HA) formulations.
The lubrication capacity of the tested viscosupplements (VS) was evaluated in-vitro and ex-vivo. In-vitro, the coefficient of friction (COF) was measured using a novel tribological system. Meanwhile, an ex-vivo biomechanical model in ovine hindlimbs was developed to assess the recovery of join mobility after an intra-articular (IA) injection. Free radical scavenging capacity of HA and KiOmedine® CM-Chitosan formulations was evaluated using the Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity (TEAC) assay.
In the in-vitro tribological model, KiOmedine® CM-Chitosan showed high lubrication capacity with a significant COF reduction than crosslinked HA formulations. In the ex-vivo model, the lubrication effect of KiOmedine® CM-Chitosan following an IA injection in the injured knee was proven again by a COF reduction. The recovery of joint motion was optimal with an IA injection of 3 ml of KiOmedine® CM-Chitosan, which was significantly better than the crosslinked HA formulation at the same volume. In the in-vitro TEAC assay, KiOmedine® CM-Chitosan showed a significantly higher free radical scavenging capacity than HA formulations.
Overall, the results provide a first insight into the mechanism of action in terms of lubrication and free radical scavenging for the use of KiOmedine® CM-Chitosan as a VS treatment of OA. KiOmedine® CM-Chitosan demonstrated a higher capacity to scavenge free radicals, and it showed a higher recovery of mobility after a knee lesion than crosslinked HA formulations. This difference could be explained by the difference in chemical structure between KiOmedine® CM-Chitosan and HA and their formulations.
langue originaleAnglais
Numéro d'articlee0256770
journalPLoS ONE
Numéro de publication10 October
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 11 oct. 2021

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