title = "Multilinguisme dans l'enseignement n{\'e}erlandophone {\`a} Bruxelles: r{\'e}sultats d'une {\'e}tude pilote",
keywords = " education, attitudes, multilingualism",
author = "{Van Mensel}, Luk and Alex Housen and Laurence Mettewie and Michel Pierrard",
note = "Publication editors : Witte, E., Van Mensel, L., Pierrard, M., Mettewie, L., Housen, A. & R. De Groof.",
year = "2005",
language = "Fran{\c c}ais",
pages = "133--142",
editor = "Els Witte and {Van Mensel}, Luk and Michel Pierrard and Laurence Mettewie and Alex Housen and {De Groof}, Roel",
booktitle = "Language, attitudes and education in multilingual cities",
publisher = "Universa Press",
address = "Belgique",