Methodology and CASE tools for the Development of Federated Databases

Jean-Luc Hainaut, Philippe Thiran, Jean-Marc Hick, Stephane Bodart, Arnaud Deflorenne

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticle

52 Téléchargements (Pure)


Due to the current technological and economical context, there is an increasing need for cooperating information systems based on federated databases. Though the technical issues of these architectures have been studied for long, the way to build them has not triggered as much effort. This paper describes a general architecture, a methodology and a CASE environment intended to address the problem of providing users and programmers with an abstract interface to independent heterogeneous and distributed databases. The architecture comprises a hierarchy of mediators and a repository that dynamically transform actual data into a virtual homogeneous database and allow client applications to query it. The InterDB approach provides a complete methodology to define this architecture, including schema recovery through reverse engineering, database integration and mapping building. The methodology is supported by the DB-MAIN CASE tool that helps developers generate the mediators and their repository.
langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)169-194
Nombre de pages26
journalInternational Journal of Cooperative Information Systems
Etat de la publicationPublié - 1999

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