Low-Temperature Toluene Oxidation on Fe-Containing Modified SBA-15 Materials

Ivalina Trendafilova, Manuel Ojeda, John M. Andresen, Alenka Ristić, Momtchil Dimitrov, Nataša Novak Tušar, Genoveva Atanasova, Margarita Popova

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs

7 Téléchargements (Pure)


Transition metals as catalysts for total VOC oxidation at low temperatures (150–280 °C) are a big challenge nowadays. Therefore, iron-modified SBA-15, AlSBA-15, and ZrSBA-15 materials with 0.5 to 5.0 wt.% Fe loading were prepared and tested for toluene oxidation. It was found that increasing Fe loading significantly improved the rate of oxidation and lowered the temperature of achieving 100% removal of toluene from above 500 °C for the supports (AlSBA-15 and ZrSBA-15) to below 400 °C for 5FeZrSBA-15. The formation of finely dispersed iron oxide active sites with a particle size less than 5 nm was observed on all the SBA-15, AlSBA-15, and ZrSBA-15 supports. It was found that the surface properties of the mesoporous support due to the addition of Al or Zr predetermined the type of formed iron oxide species and their localization on the support surface. Fe-containing SBA-15 and AlSBA-15 showed activity in total toluene oxidation at higher temperatures (280–450 °C). However, 5 wt. % Fe-containing ZrSBA-15 showed excellent activity in the total oxidation of toluene as a model VOC at lower temperatures (150–380 °C) due to the synergistic effect of Fe-Zr and the presence of accessible and stable Fe2+/Fe3+ active sites.

langue originaleAnglais
Numéro d'article204
Numéro de publication1
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - janv. 2023

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