Large-area nanoengineering of graphene corrugations for visible-frequency graphene plasmons

Gergely Dobrik, Péter Nemes-Incze, Bruno Majérus, Péter Süle, Péter Vancsó, Gábor Piszter, Miklós Menyhárd, Benjámin Kalas, Péter Petrik, Luc Henrard, Levente Tapasztó

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


Quantum confinement of the charge carriers of graphene is an effective way to engineer its properties. This is commonly realized through physical edges that are associated with the deterioration of mobility and strong suppression of plasmon resonances. Here, we demonstrate a simple, large-area, edge-free nanostructuring technique, based on amplifying random nanoscale structural corrugations to a level where they efficiently confine charge carriers, without inducing significant inter-valley scattering. This soft confinement allows the low-loss lateral ultra-confinement of graphene plasmons, scaling up their resonance frequency from the native terahertz to the commercially relevant visible range. Visible graphene plasmons localized into nanocorrugations mediate much stronger light–matter interactions (Raman enhancement) than previously achieved with graphene, enabling the detection of specific molecules from femtomolar solutions or ambient air. Moreover, nanocorrugated graphene sheets also support propagating visible plasmon modes, as revealed by scanning near-field optical microscopy observation of their interference patterns.

langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)61-66
Nombre de pages6
journalNature Nanotechnology
Numéro de publication1
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - janv. 2022

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  • CÉCI – Consortium des Équipements de Calcul Intensif

    CHAMPAGNE, B. (Responsable du Projet), Lazzaroni, R. (Responsable du Projet), Geuzaine , C. (Co-investigateur), Chatelain, P. (Co-investigateur) & Knaepen, B. (Co-investigateur)


    Projet: Recherche

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