Interaction of phosphorylcholine with fibronectin coatings: Surface characterization and biological performances

Vanessa Montaño-Machado, Céline Noël, Pascale Chevallier, Stéphane Turgeon, Laurent Houssiau, Emmanuel Pauthe, Jean-Jacques Pireaux, Diego Mantovani

    Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


    Coating medical devices with several bioactive molecules is an interesting approach to achieve specific biological targets upon the interaction of the biomaterial with the living environment. In this work, a fluorocarbon polymer (CFx) was first deposited by plasma treatment on stainless steel (SS) substrate and thereafter, coatings containing fibronectin (FN) and phosphorylcholine (PRC) were created for cardiovascular applications. These two biomolecules were chosen to promote endothelialization and to avoid thrombus formation, respectively. Adsorption and grafting techniques were applied – and combined – to accomplish 4 different coatings containing both molecules. However, big challenge was found to characterize a small molecule (PRC: 184 g/mol) interacting with a protein (FN: 450 kD). For the first time XPS, dynamic water contact angle, immunostaining and ToF-SIMS (imaging and depth profiling) analyses were combined to accomplish the characterization of such a coating. The most encouraging biological performances were obtained for samples where FN was grafted to the CFx film followed by the adsorption of PRC: proliferation of endothelial cells and hemocompatibility properties were observed. Promising coatings for cardiovascular applications were developed. The relevance of characterizing the coatings with high sensitive techniques and the further correlation with their biological performances were evidenced.

    langue originaleAnglais
    Pages (de - à)1613-1622
    Nombre de pages10
    journalApplied Surface Science
    Les DOIs
    Etat de la publicationPublié - 28 févr. 2017

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