Inflammation-Induced Coagulopathy Substantially Differs Between COVID-19 and Septic Shock: A Prospective Observational Study

Mélanie Dechamps, Julien De Poortere, Manon Martin, Laurent Gatto, Aurélie Daumerie, Caroline Bouzin, Marie Octave, Audrey Ginion, Valentine Robaux, Laurence Pirotton, Julie Bodart, Ludovic Gerard, Virginie Montiel, Alessandro Campion, Damien Gruson, Marie-Astrid Van Dievoet, Jonathan Douxfils, Hélène Haguet, Laure Morimont, Marc DeriveLucie Jolly, Luc Bertrand, Laure Dumoutier, Diego Castanares-Zapatero, Pierre-François Laterre, Sandrine Horman, Christophe Beauloye

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Immunology and Microbiology

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