How do the doping concentrations of N and B in graphene modify the water adsorption

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Understanding the interaction of water and graphene is crucial for various applications such as water purification, desalination, and electrocatalysis. Experimental and theoretical studies have already investigated water adsorption on N- and B-doped graphene. However, there are no reports available that elucidate the influences of the N and B doping content in graphene on the microscopic geometrical structure and the electronic properties of the adsorbed water. Thus, this work is devoted to solving this problem using self-consistent van der Waals density functional theory calculations. The N and B doping contents of 0.0, 3.1, 6.3, and 9.4% were considered. The results showed that the binding energy of water increases almost linearly as a function of doping content at all concentrations for N-doped graphene but below 6.3% for B-doped graphene. In the linear range, the binding energy increases by approximately 30 meV for each increment of the doping ratio. Analyses of the geometric and electronic structures explained the enhancement of the water–graphene interaction with the variation in doping percentage.
langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)19560–19568
Nombre de pages9
journalRSC Advances
Numéro de publication32
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 1 juin 2021

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