Highly Sensitive 2D TMDs Based NO2Gas Sensors via AACVD and APCVD Combination

Fatima Ezahra Annanouch, Aanchal Alagh, Shuja Bashir Malik, Jean Francois Colomer, Eduard Llobet

Résultats de recherche: Contribution dans un livre/un catalogue/un rapport/dans les actes d'une conférenceArticle dans les actes d'une conférence/un colloque


In this work we report a new methodology for the direct growth, onto the sensor transducer, of multilayer transition metal dichalcogenides material (TMDs) such as tungsten diselenide (WSe2) and tungsten disulfide (WS2), via the combination of aerosol assisted chemical vapor deposition (AA-CVD) and atmospheric pressure CVD technique (APCVD). This combination led to uniform films with high yield and coverage, making it possible to overcome the shortcomings of many TMDs synthesis techniques. The morphology and the compositions of the films were investigated. The results revealed the formation of three dimensional (3D) assemblies of WSe2 nanosheets and WS2 nanotriangles. The fabricated sensors showed remarkable gas sensing performances towards 800 ppb of NO2 at low operating temperature. Thanks to the vertical growth that enhanced the gas sensing performances by increasing the number of exposed edge as well as the number of defects.

langue originaleAnglais
titre14th Spanish Conference on Electron Devices, CDE 2023 - Proceedings
rédacteurs en chefE. Maset, C. Reig
EditeurInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
ISBN (Electronique)9798350302400
Les DOIs
Etat de la publicationPublié - 2023
Evénement14th Spanish Conference on Electron Devices, CDE 2023 - Valencia, Espagne
Durée: 6 juin 20238 juin 2023

Série de publications

Nom14th Spanish Conference on Electron Devices, CDE 2023 - Proceedings

Une conférence

Une conférence14th Spanish Conference on Electron Devices, CDE 2023
La villeValencia

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