Helical molecular redox actuators with pancake bonds?

Pierre Beaujean, Miklos Kertesz

    Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


    In an attempt to design molecular electromechanical actuators with large deformation response, we present here three helicene-like compounds, which offer significant strain above 5 % due to two-electron charge transfer (CT). The shrinking induced by CT is a quantum mechanical orbital effect. A good π–π overlap across the helical pitch is critical for this type of actuation. The relevant overlap refers to frontier orbitals that are involved in the CT, and it has some features common with π–π stacking pancake bonds; however, these molecules do not represent all aspects of typical pancake bonding. This overlap is accompanied by a change in the bond length alternation pattern indicating significant change in π-conjugation. Additionally, two further helicene-like molecules included in this study also indicate large electromechanical actuation, but a simple orbital interpretation is not available in those cases.

    langue originaleAnglais
    Numéro d'article147
    Pages (de - à)1-10
    Nombre de pages10
    journalTheoretical Chemistry Accounts
    Numéro de publication12
    Les DOIs
    Etat de la publicationPublié - 1 déc. 2015

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