From representational to scopal 'distancing indirect speech or thought': A cline of subjectification.

Résultats de recherche: Contribution à un journal/une revueArticleRevue par des pairs


'Distancing indirect speech or thought' (DIST) is defined as a noncanonical form of speech or thought representation which is characterized by the singleness of deictic centre across both component clauses: contrary to direct, indirect or free indirect speech/thought, no truly separate consciousness ('Sayer/Cognizant') is represented by the current speaker ('Speaker'), even though the grammar of speech or thought representation is used. In this way, a 'corrective', distancing effect vis-à-vis the main proposition is obtained. Examples include He mailed you earlier today, he said and Did I want that? (she asked). In this paper, I will argue that two structurally distinct subtypes of DIST have to be recognized, viz. 'representational' and 'scopal' DIST. I will discuss these as they manifest themselves in different registers (academic discourse, news reports, literary texts), and will associate them on the basis of this text analysis with distinct contextual usage types. Finally, I will relate representational and scopal DIST in terms of a cline of increasing subjectification.
langue originaleAnglais
Pages (de - à)547-585
Nombre de pages39
Numéro de publication4
Etat de la publicationPublié - 2004

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